Remember the viral video of Officer Bobby White of
Gainesville, Florida who was called to the scene of a 'noisy kids'
complaint, found some teens innocently playing basketball during the daytime
and instead of scolding them, joined them to play?
Video of the cop's good-hearted community policing which
went viral with over four million views, attracted retired Basketball
legend, Shaquille O'Neal. Shaq first came to the police station to
surprise the police officer - and then they and several other officers
headed for the neighborhood where the kids were playing.
Surprising the
kids, O'Neal played with them for awhile and then promised $100 to
whoever could make a free throw. Each of the kids managed to get the
ball in on the first try, except for one kid, who got it in on the
second try. He kept to his promise, gifted them and also advised them,
'Here's the secret that will change your life. Know how much money I made? $700million. I did it by listening to my peers, my mommy and daddy, and focusing on school. I grew up just like this and you could grow up to be whatever you want to be.'
O'Neal then told the boys he was proud of them for staying
out of trouble and urged them to keep playing ball. He also had them
repeat after him: 'I will become whatever I want to be; I will be a
leader and not a follower; I will respect my peers and my elders and
especially my parents.'
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