Wednesday, 4 May 2016

Free Visa and Accomodation to work in Dubai with Dubai Duty free


Here is an opportunity to work in one of the World's Most industrious and peaceful city,  DUBAI.
After reading the title of this article many would think, it is just an hype but sadly for Thomas' and fortunately for job seekers, this is no hype because i have gone through the application process myself (NEKXFRESH WILL NOT WRITE ON ANYTHING WE HAVE NOT TESTED).

Without taking much of your time, move your cursor to the Application page and register or click here


If you are a lawful citizen of the UAE  click on the UAE NATIONALS and if you are a foreign applicant then click on the botton that says CLICK HERE FOR NON - UAE NATIONALS to begin your registration.

  1. After the first phase of the registration, an email wiill be sent to the registered email address
  2. Follow the instrutions in the  mail and complete your registration

Note: You will be given a test, though the test is very easy, be careful of what you tick because, your chances of been picked depends on your answers, work experience and documents provided.

Before you begin the registration, scan your passport and CV if not already in your computer as these things will be required.

Have a nice day.

If you encounter any problems during the registration, comment here or send your questions to


  1. Thanks for this great information. Will always visit

    1. You are welcome and thanks for dropping by

  2. This is one of the useful information I've red today. Thank for sharing.

  3. Hmmm Dubai is a good place to be I really hope to be there soon

  4. Hmm! Dubai is a greatest city with many industries, i will like to recomend this to my palz.


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