Saturday, 30 April 2016


Prior to our post earlier and demand from our loyal readers. we are no longer rolling out entertainment completely.
We shall be doing the entertainment together with the new niche just to serve you better.
We apologize for having not updated this prestigious blog for a while now. We apologize for all the days you visited and did not see anything new, we apologize and take blame for your airtime, data and time to come check us out; From the bottom of our hearts we say A BIG SORRY.


We are back and better but with a little different style, well we call it a Different Niche actually. We made a thorough research online and found that, countless blogs are doing what we doing here and NEKXFESH is loved and known for its uniqueness.

After thoroughly thinking, we decided to do something new and in a different way.

To cut the long story short, we at NEKXFRESH have decided to change the purpose of this blog to something that will be beneficial to everyone. We updated the purpose of this blog to OPPORTUNITIES, INSPIRATION AND ADVICE AND ENTERTAINMENT.

In the future you would be seeing Job opportunities, Scholarships, Work abroad, Inspirational articles and maybe advice.
You can send your articles via email TAMTEEZY@GMAIL.COM and they might just be published free of charge.

Thanks for your patience and your love.

NEKX inc.

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