Friday, 17 June 2016

Solution: Newly Mapped domain to blogger blog shows "error 404" without www

Mapping a new domain from either Godaddy or any of the numorous domain registrars to a blogger blog (blogspot) could be really difficult without prior instructions. One of the problems most new bloggers and even some seasoned wordpress bloggers who moved to Google's own blogspot blogging platform is "Their blog showing error 404 when they input their url without the worldwide web www in front of it"

When i moved to blogger, i also faced this problem when i tried mapping my goddady domain to my blogspot blog. In that note, i want to show you how to easily solve this disturbing problem without paying a dime to anybody.

1. Login to blogger

2. Goto Settings

3. Basic Settings

4. Move your cursor to the already mapped domain (e.g and

5. Click on the edit button

It will take you to a new page, and under the THIRD PARTY DOMAIN SETTINGS

6. Check (tick) the button that says Redirect to  e.g "Redirect to

Your Problem would be slolved and you can now access your custom blogspot blog without the www.

If you face any problems, contact or comment below and one of our Tech authors will in no time reply you.

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