Monday, 21 March 2016

Best Kenyan universities to go to if you want to get a job fast - Nekxfresh Kenya

A majority of Kenyan University students go to school to get jobs — unless you are chasing titles and status.
Getting a job is the ultimate dream for any student. But how about schooling in an institution where employers rarely go for job seekers? A report by Corporate Staffing Services, a local human resources company shows that Maasai Mara University and Presbyterian University are the least preferred by employers looking for fresh graduates.

According to their poll, 85 per cent of employers prefer graduates from the University of Nairobi when hiring from public universities.
 JKUAT, according to the report, is second, followed by Kenyatta and Moi University — though at distant percentages. Maasai Mara University was least at 0.6 percent while Multimedia University is just above it at 1.3 per cent. Strathmore University boasts the highest preference under private Universities at 78 percent followed by Daystar and United States University International University (USIU).

The least preferred is Presbyterian University and the University of Eastern Africa, Baraton.
“The main reasons why the respondents prefer graduates from the selected public universities is technical expertise and knowledge of industry displayed by both the staff and students...” reads the report in part.
The report went on to state that: “...Graduates from the said private universities are preferred due to the reputation of the university in terms of specialisation, years of existence and society involvement...” adds the report. 

Further, the report recommends that university students focus on gaining specialised work experience and job knowledge as possible.

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