Wednesday, 27 January 2016

Missing budget •Nigerians sure deserve explanation and an apology from the President

The bits of the puzzles over the controversial missing Budget 2016 document may have finally come together after two weeks of bickering over its whereabouts. Tuesday last week, Senate President, Bukola Saraki, read to the Senate plenary, a letter from the president formally notifying them of “corrections” to the budget document:

“It will be recalled that on Tuesday, 22 December, 2015, I presented my 2016 budget proposals to the joint sitting of the National Assembly. I submitted a draft bill accompanied by a schedule of details. At the time of submission, we indicated that because the details had just been produced, we would have had to check to ensure that there were no errors in the detailed breakdown contained in the schedule. That has since been completed and I understand that the corrections have been submitted…It appears that this has led to some confusion… please find attached the corrected version. This is the version the National Assembly should work with as my 2016 budget estimates. The draft bill remains the same and there are no changes in any of the figures.”
That was obviously meant to be a denouement to the drama, shame and embarrassment that had lingered for the whole of the fortnight, something that had cast the entire leadership of the nation as unserious.
There could not have been a more cynical, if not ingenious attempt to force a closure on the issue.
With the long drama over, it is only necessary to put the bits together. We start with the fact that the executive acknowledged that the documents it presented to the National Assembly on December 22, 2015 contained a number of errors. While that ordinarily should not be a big issue, it also turned out that some officials in the executive not only thought little about substituting the original documents with another version without the formal rites of writing to the lawmakers, but went as far as taking the liberty of removing the documents– at least temporarily. To complete the macabre drama, it also turned out that some senators received the intelligence about the plot to substitute the documents through the back door after which they promptly alerted the media on the discovery that the original hard and soft copies were nowhere in the chambers.
The Senate-ordered investigation would later reveal two versions of the document – the original and another said to have been circulated to the members by the President’s Senior Special Assistant on National Assembly Matters, Senator Ita Enang. The Senate has since pronounced the latter as fake.
It is clear from the foregoing that the Senate did not cry wolf where there was none. Indeed, not only was there substance to the charge that the presidency was up to some mischief, it tried valiantly to cast the National Assembly as the unserious party. To that extent, the presidency stands rightly accused of bad faith in addition to the grave charge of dereliction of duty.
The question of course remains: why will the President choose to lay a document he acknowledged as flawed before the National Assembly? Why seek to cure the defects identified by a method so clearly at variance with the provisions of the law? And what is there in a document that can be amended at any point –even right up to its passing into law – that the nation’s foremost institution, the Presidency, would opt to jettison the niceties of process for expediency that inevitably casts it in such terrible, ignoble light? Why wait till hell broke loose before doing the right thing – as it later did?
Nigerians obviously need more explanations – and apologies – far beyond the tepid rationalisation offered by President Muhammadu Buhari in his letter. It goes without saying that an administration that cannot be trusted to do right by the citizens in the elementary things of process cannot but forfeit its support when the crunch finally comes. Surely, Nigerians deserve better from an administration that promised change.

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