Sunday, 19 July 2015

Nekx Music Launches "Free Music Promotion" #NekxFresh

Tarrmie Nekx Promo
Recently, The Founder and CEO of the Nekx Music group Tarrmie Iwaringo (RsM) disclosed the music group will be launching the Nekx Music Online artist Promotion officially.

Since 2012 Nekx Music has been promoting good music and talented artists in the likes of Suffice Emila, Ti2, YoungDaNaval, Cspark and Lots more.

The most anticipated NMOAP program comes with two perfect ways to promote your music; The Premium Plan and Free Plan.

The Nekx Music free Promotion Program is initiated to help talented artist that may not have what it takes to air their music.

To Partake in this Program:

Send Your Best Single to #NekxFresh.
Procedure: log onto
2. Click on the "NMOAP apply Here Page"
3. Read the officially Program terms and
4. Fill the Contact Form and Click Send

Contact Whatsapp:

1. Add +2348083533142
2. Include Artist Bio, twitter instagram and Fb IDs
3. Artwork if any (if not available, NMOAP can do it for you with a little fee)
4. Send Song along with the above listed informations

ON Nekx Student Network
If You are a student that uses the nekx student network often.

1. Login to Your account
2. On the homepage "Click on NMOAP apply here)
3. Follow instructions and Fill Form and
4. Click on "Contact NMOAP


Send Your Best Single to

Iwaringo Tarrmie {RsM}Tarrmie Nekx PromoOn Twitter @Tarrmie

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